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acts 15

The Gospel and the Works of God

In Acts 15, St. James and the Jerusalem Council take for granted that Gentile Christians will do just this: follow the commands of God.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Misunderstanding Acts 15

In discussions of same-sex marriage, we end up with a strange (and strangely popular) historicist interpretation of the “Council of Jerusalem” in Acts 15.

Boundaries, blessings, and hope for the future

In this post, I want to offer a few further observations that could prove helpful, if the biblical-historical situation of Gentile inclusion in Acts 15 and other places is to provide clues for a way forward in a mixed-economy Anglicanism.

Going radical on Cornelius

Covenant has recently been taking a look at the conversion of Cornelius. I want to propose that the story is more radical than people have imagined.


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