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Twenty minutes with Robert MacSwain

Rob MacSwain and Richard Mammana discuss Austin Farrer, Scripture, and academic and priestly vocation.

Does the Church need academic theology?

Both academic theology and the Church may well have a very different relationship to the academy in two or three decades; events like this are opportune moments to reflect on how these shifts may benefit the Church.

On being (a doctoral student in theology)

The rewards of an academic career in theology are many, but so are the reasons not to apply.

Lewisian Lent in Waco

Anglican Student Ministries at Baylor University will sponsor “C.S. Lewis and the Intellectual Life” during Lent.

College Honors RC Bishop

The College of Emmanuel and St. Chad has awarded an honorary fellowship to ecumenist Donald Bolen,

Authority and invisible activities

For the last several years, it has been my habit to keep abreast of news in the Roman Catholic community for what may be obvious reasons: they are the largest organized Christian body in the world, and what they do and don’t do, what they say and don’t say, inevitably affects our our work and witness.


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