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77th General Convention

Blessings & Weddings in Conn.

“We are pleased that the church’s discipline has also begun to change so that priests may offer a generous pastoral response consistent with Connecticut’s embrace of marriage equality.”

PB: ‘Tradition Is Change’

“The call to restructure the Church is a response to growing grassroots awareness that we must change or die.”

‘+Little on Same-sex Blessings

“I have attempted in this two-point policy to find a solution that will honor the conscience of all.”

‘Full Marriage Equality’

Bishop Mark Sisk: “This seems to me to be a typically oblique way for the Episcopal Church to approach a complex but important matter: indirectly.”

Two Bishops Write their People

Bishops W. Andrew Waldo and Mark J. Lawrence reflect on the decisions of General Convention.

Bishops Uneasy on Health Plan

By Joe Thoma One of the most passionate debates in the House of Bishops came during its last legislative day, July 12, over implementation of a 2009 mandate on health insurance.

Deputies Wrap it Up

By Matt Townsend In a whirlwind session July 12, the House of Deputies passed several resolutions that were a matter of considerable discussion at General Convention.

1979 Lectionary Resurrected

By Matt Townsend The House of Deputies passed a resolution that authorizes the use of the lectionary for Sundays and Holy Days as published in the Book of Common Prayer (1979)

An Action of Solidarity

By Matt Townsend More than 30 deputies stood in silent protest July 12 of the Episcopal Church’s provisional rite for blessing same-sex couples.

Fatigue and Comic Relief

By Lauren Anderson As patience started to wane and jokes became little punchier, the House of Deputies passed a host of public-policy resolutions during its final legislative day July 12.


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