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39 Articles

Biographical Insights into the Evolution of Theology

Theologians need to be aware of literature in many languages in the broadest possible sense. Biographies, in particular, can be instructive. Sometimes reading an...

The early ‘Anglican’ reading of Scripture (2): Cranmer and the prayer book

For early Anglicans, the right handling of the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15) was a matter of life and death. It requires a heart that acknowledged the authority of the Divine Author, and gladly assented to Scripture's plain meaning.

The early ‘Anglican’ reading of Scripture (1): William Laud

The search for attaining a faithful understanding of Scripture begins by assenting to its authority.

Testy texts: the GOEs and Scripture

The grammar of the GOE Holy Scripture question bears witness: Scripture is now viewed primarily as problem.

The Hail Mary and Corpus Christi

Derek writes: 1.) What is doctrinally wrong with the Hail Mary in regards to asking for prayer? How is it different than me asking you for the same? 2.) Why is Eucharistic Adoration frowned upon?


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