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1979 bcp

In Praise of the Lectionary

Our Office lectionary is Catholic and Reformed, it’s flexible, it covers all the essentials, and it’s official for us and good enough for others too.

A Response to ACNA’s Proposed Prayer Book 2019

It’s important for Episcopalians to be aware of developments in the ACNA, especially as we contemplate the possibilities of comprehensive liturgical revision in our church.

The Liturgical Movement’s Methods and Motivation

In the Liturgical Movement, the posture was ressourcement, an instinct to draw from old, significant wells long forgotten.

The Memorial, the BCP, and the Name of the Trinity

The proclamation of Christ through our liturgical rites should be the raison d’être of BCP revision.

The Daily Office

The Daily Office is one of the acknowledged treasures of the Anglican tradition, and a central obligation of the clergy.

Hands off the Office

As the most Anglican of all our liturgies, the Daily Office deserves the most deference and defense we can give it.

Overcoming alienation: Inculturation, Christology, and prayer book revision

“The incarnation is God’s self-inculturation in this world.” —The 1989 York Statement, “Down to Earth: Liturgical Inculturation and the Anglican Communion” “Anglicanism can thus be...

Rediscover the gospel

For the sake of mission, we need to rediscover the gospel that the BCP empowers us to pray.

Finding, not fixing

We don't need prayer book revision in the church; we need prayer book recovery.

A concise prayer book

Many want to be reconnected to a tradition from which they feel distanced. They want ancient, connected, continuous, simple, transformative liturgy.


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