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Restore Our Sight

...Leader: St. Paul as Mentor, Model, and Encourager (2020). ♱ Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: The Diocese of Lesotho – The Anglican Church of Southern Africa...

ABCs of Ministry (Epiphany 3, Year C)

...Prophet Isaiah and ends his description with these words: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” We know Jesus as the Word. If we are called to be...

Call of the Twelve

...his call, how is he beckoning us to serve him today? The Rt. Rev. Edward S. Little II was bishop of Northern Indiana for 16 years after serving parishes in...

Come and See

...author of three books; most recently: The Heart of a Leader: St. Paul as Mentor, Model, and Encourager (2020). ♱ Daily Devotional Cycle of Prayer Today we pray for: Church...

Hands in Prayer

...6 The Pharisees went out and immediately conspired with the Herodians against him, how to destroy him. Meditation In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus makes two moves on the Sabbath day...

Bold and Sleepy

...you; they are your glory.   Meditation I can’t help laughing as I read the verse today in which Paul describes himself as “the least of the saints.” What, exactly,...

Field Notes for Episcopalians on the 80 Percent

...should we say shows him to be a providential agent. Arguably since the 1980 election of Ronald Reagan until today, evangelicals have been galvanized by this one issue as by...

Learning from Nicaea with Lewis Ayres

...of that time, and she’s still known as the foundational meeting of Christians to make decisions about doctrines of the faith after the time of the apostles. Today we are...

In the Flesh

...built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.   Meditation The phrase “in the flesh” appears in today’s Epistle reading three times. First, those who are of Gentile origin...

Jesus Fulfills

...in word to be fulfilling it in spirit. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus heals a leper who comes to him seeking to be clean. Interestingly, in St. Mark’s version of...


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