...conclude with our hope that this coordinated abuse of the disciplinary process will not succeed in exacting a mindless uniformity on polity questions simply to promote the litigation tactics of...
...continue to promote marriage as they understand it. However, the consultation document on ‘equal marriage’ refers throughout to a new (and false) distinction between civil and religious ‘marriage’. There is...
...House had agreed in December (see notes). This amendment adds to the list of matters on which guidance will need to be given in the Code of Practice that the...
...conservatives. His suggestion that the legal code needed to acknowledge a growing Muslim population by incorporating some parts of Shariah into British law was greeted with near hysteria. The Anglican...
...retreat participants on April 12. To register or for information on registration, or to refer a high-ranking officer who has seen combat to the WHI retreat, write to WHI.Washington@gmail.com or...
...the way for women becoming bishops. Once it becomes law a voluntary Code of Conduct will be added. A draft of the code was released earlier this month. Opponents have...