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Looking for Resurrection

...book translation of the Creed to the Roman Catholic version now in use: “We look for the resurrection of the dead,” rather than, “We look forward to the resurrection…” I...

Cripping the Clergy: Embracing Disabled Leadership

...through that posting because I know what this parish means: non-disabled. It won’t say so outright, but I’ve learned to read between the lines. I know lots of disabled priests...

Astrologers, Priests, and Kings

...East,” offering sacrificial gifts to do honor to one they have determined through their divination to be “king of the Jews” (Matt 2:2). He highlights the connotations Matthew’s use of...

ECF Chooses Longtime Associate as New Leader

...for women, The Economic Club of New York, and as a board member of Inwood House for teen mothers, where she initiated a financial literacy program. She has a master’s...

What’s in a Name?

...this Feast of the Holy Name, let’s explore why the name of Jesus is important. Some background about the meaning of any name we use for the divine will help...

Bishops’ Christmas Messages, 2024

...and God replied by giving them a tiny seed. Hope, real hope, is about taking what blessings you have today and growing them. It takes courage to hope, because hope...

Knowing God (Christmas 1, Year C)

...of the Trinity. An eternal and personal Word is important to us because all healthy relationships are built on personal communication. Even in human relationships, we come to know the...

Keeping the Twelve Days of Christmas

...and that those 12 days start on Christmas Day. I used to be one of the ranters who felt self-righteous indignation toward (and no small judgment against) those who would...

A Principled Commitment to Life

...arguments of those promoting assisted dying. But we use the best powers of our minds in testing that assumption and applying its implications in particular situations, drawing on a long...

Lord Carey Resigns amid Safeguarding Scandals

...“This must include better use of effective disciplinary and capability processes, and the proper use of risk assessment, so that people are not allowed to continue in ministry when unacceptable...


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