Episode 76 • 5th May 2022 • The Living Church Podcast • The Living Church
This week, we’ll hear a conversation in honor of women’s vocation, dedicated to a particular saint, that woman who stayed at the empty tomb, that bold apostle to the apostles, St. Mary Magdalene.
The ordination of women, much less women’s spiritual leadership and authority more generally, is not an issue from a bygone era. It’s still a live question in many parts of the Church, as we know, and in many parts of the Anglican world. How does healthy, continued discernment happen, while maintaining unity in the Church? How does rooted transition happen when the time comes to change things? How can excavating history be a part of the Holy Spirit’s work in helping the Church discern good paths forward?
Women’s leadership is a good case in point. And today we look specifically at the question of whether to open the ordained diaconate to women in the Roman Catholic Church — or actually, to re-open it. This is a fascinating movement that offers a good case study for Anglicans and other Christians as we continue to discern together how to be faithful to his leading in our time.
Today we hear from Dr. Phyllis Zagano. Phyllis is an internationally acclaimed Catholic scholar and lecturer on contemporary spirituality and women’s issues in the Church. Her award-winning books include Holy Saturday: An Argument for the Restoration of the Female Diaconate in the Catholic Church; Women & Catholicism: Gender, Communion, and Authority; and Women: Icons of Christ.
Phyllis has also served as a member of the Papal Commission for the study of the diaconate of women and is the winner of two Fulbright awards. She holds a research appointment at Hofstra University.
Thanks for joining us today. And as you listen in, think of a woman in leadership you can support or pray for this week.
Read about Sister Priscilla Wright.
Purchase Phyllis Zagano’s book, Women: Icons of Christ.
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