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People & Places: December 28, 2022


The Rev. Michael Barham is director of student services and recruitment at Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Berkeley, Calif.

The Rev. Kenli Barling is parish priest of Christ Church, Newcastle, and St. Francis on the Prairie, Wright, and assistant priest at Good Shepherd, Sundance, Wyo.

The Rev. William Boyles is associate rector of St. Luke’s, Mountain Brook, Ala.

The Rev. Bill Bradley is bridge priest at St. James, Groveland, Mass.

The Rev. Jeremy Bradley is curate of Calvary, Richmond, Texas.

The Rev. Mandy Brady is interim rector of St. Christopher’s by-the-Sea, Key Biscayne, Fla.

The Rev. Ann Bridgers is interim priest at Transfiguration, Bat Cave, N.C.

The Rev. Justin Briggle is rector of Good Shepherd, Friendswood, Texas.

The Rev. Isaiah Brokenleg is long-term supply priest at Grace, Madison, and St. Mary’s/Our Blessed Redeemer, Flandreau, S.D.

The Rev. Dr. Ann J. Broomell is interim rector of Calvary, Charleston. S.C.

The Rev. Emily Rowell Brown is associate rector at Christ Church, Tuscaloosa, Ala.

The Rev. Matthew Buccheri is rector of St. Edward the Martyr, New York.

The Rev. Furman L. Buchanan is priest in charge of Christ Church, Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

The Rev. Lynn Bullard is parish deacon at St. Matthew’s, Madison, Ala.

The Rev. Sarah Cowan is priest associate at Holy Communion, Memphis, Tenn.

The Rev. David Cox is rector of St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, Kan.

The Rev. Samuel Roth Cassidy Cripps is curate of St. John’s, Dallas.

The Rev. Michelle S. Dayton is superintending presbyter for St. Katherine’s, Martin, and the Pine Ridge Mission (St. Michael’s, Batesland; Advent, Calico; Mediator, Kyle; Holy Cross, Pine Ridge; St. Julia’s, Porcupine; Christ Church, Red Shirt Table; Gethsemane, Wanblee), S.D.

The Rev. Rebecca Debow is interim rector of St. Andrew’s, Birmingham, Ala.

The Rev. Christopher Decatur is interim priest in charge of Holy Comforter, Drexel Hill, Pa.

Ms. Caroline Doyle is the Diocese of Kentucky’s interim director of youth and young adults.

The Rev. Monique Ellison is rector of Messiah and St. Matthias’, Baltimore.

The Rev. Philip Emanuel is parish priest of Christ Church, Lancaster, S.C.

The Rev. Jason Emerson is rector of St. Patrick’s, Dublin, Ohio.

The Rev. Annie Etheredge is priest in charge of Epiphany, New Iberia, La.

The Rev. Paul Evans is associate rector of Grace & Holy Trinity, Richmond, Va.

Canon Jim Forsyth is an honorary canon of the Diocese of California.

The Rev. Canon Willis R. Foster is the Diocese of Southern Virginia’s canon for diversity.

The Rev. Canon Tyrone Fowlkes is canon for congregational life at Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral.

The Rev. David Frederickson is priest in charge of Zion, Manchester Center, Vt.

The Rev. Canon Ashley Freeman is the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast’s canon to the ordinary and missioner for discernment.

The Rev. Este Gardner is priest in charge of St. Bartholomew’s, White Plains, N.Y.

The Rev. Canon Jay Gardner is canon pastor of the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Ala.

The Rev. Terry Goff is parish deacon for Redeemer, Mobile, Ala.

The Rev. C. Neal Goldsborough is interim rector of Christ Church, Glen Allen, Va.

The Rev. Viktoria Gotting is associate rector of St. Christopher’s, League City, Texas.

The Rev. Giulianna M. Gray is director of the Sewanee Ministry Collaborative at the University of the South’s School of Theology.

The Rev. Jennifer Grimelli is assistant rector at St. Andrew’s, Glenwood, Md.

The Rev. Dr. Gretchen Grimshaw is priest in charge of Trinity Church, Brooklyn, Conn.

The Rev. Dan Gross is rector of Grace, Kingston, Pa.

The Rev. Sharon Hausman is priest in residence at St. John’s, Boonton, N.J.

The Rev. Meredith Day Hearn is rector of All Saints’, Cincinnati.

The Rev. Travis Helms is assistant priest at St. John’s, Jackson, Wyo.

The Rev. Elizabeth Henry-McKeever is priest in charge of St. Michael’s, Little Rock, Ark.

The Rev. Lane Hensley is interim rector of St. Paul’s, Milwaukee.

The Rev. David Henson is rector of St. James, Hendersonville, N.C.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Miguel Hernandez is the Anglican Diocese of El Salvador’s canon for education.

The Rev. Vicki Hesse is vicar and co-director of Cathedral Ridge, Woodland Park, Colo.

The Rev. Krista Heuett is curate of All Saints, East Lansing, Mich.

The Rev. Christopher Heying is rector of St. James, La Grange, Texas.

The Rev. Diane Hill is priest in charge of St. James, Portsmouth, and St. Mark, Suffolk, Va.

The Rev. Heather Hill is rector of St. Paul’s, Hudson, Wis.

The Rev. Robert Hill is rector of St. Peter’s, Louisville, Ky.

The Rev. Donna Hines is rector of Glebe Church, Suffolk, Va.

The Rev. Robyn Hinkle is associate rector for mission and outreach at St. Michael and All Angels, Dallas.

The Rev. Katie Hudak is curate for the Big Bend Mission (St. James’, Alpine; Santa Inez, Terlingua; Chapel of Sts. Mary and Joseph, Lajitas, Texas).

The Rev. Nathan G. Huddleston is associate rector of Christ Church, Georgetown, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Christy Huffman is parish deacon at St. John’s, Pensacola, Fla.



The Rev. Michael Burg as parish deacon at Grace, Sheboygan, Wis.

The Rev. Enrique Cadena as parish priest of San Pablo, Phoenix

The Rev. Michael Carroll as priest in charge of St. John’s, Waterbury, Conn.

The Rev. Peter Cheney as rector of St. Ann’s, Kennebunkport, Maine

The Rev. Young Choi as vicar of St. Francis Korean Church, McLean, Va.

The Rev. Sue Cole as rector of St. Luke’s, Wilton, Maine

The Rev. Phil Cooke as vicar of St. Mary’s, Ramona, Calif.

The Rev. Kathleen Dorr as priest in charge of St. Gabriel’s, East Berlin, Conn.

The Rev. Celia Ellery as rector of Good Shepherd, San Angelo, Texas

The Rev. Thomas Eoyang as rector of Holy Comforter, Drexel Hill, Pa.

The Rev. Alan Feltner as priest in charge of St. Bartholomew’s, Mio, Mich.

The Rev. Marian Fortner as interim rector of Christ Church, Bay St. Louis, Miss.

The Rev. Tom Furrer as priest in charge of Trinity, Wethersfield, Conn.

The Rev. Keith Gentry as rector St. Paul and St. Andrew, Kenbridge, Va.

The Rev. Bob Gilman as interim rector of St. Paul’s, Petersburg, Va.

The Rev. Connie Gilman as associate rector of Trinity, Portsmouth, Va.

The Rev. Mary Gregorius as rector of St. John’s, Pleasantville, N.Y.

The Rev. Julian (Bunker) Hill as parish priest of St. Thomas’, Sturgis, S.D.

The Rev. Beth Hixon as rector of Epiphany, Royersford, Pa.

The Rev. Geoffrey Hoare as rector of St. Alban’s, Washington, D.C.

The Rev. Martie D.V. Johnson as vicar of Holy Cross, The Rocks, Street, Md.

The Rev. Marge Kiss as parish deacon at St. Thomas of Canterbury, Greendale, Wis.

The Rev. Eric LeBrocq Jr. as rector of St. John’s, Sealy, Texas.

The Rev. Donald Lowery as rector of Holy Innocents, Henderson, N.C.

The Rev. David R. Lynch as rector of Resurrection, Blue Springs, Mo.

The Rev. Rich Martindale as rector of St. Paul’s, Henderson, Ky.

The Very Rev. William McClure as rector of Trinity, Alpena, Mich.

The Rev. Kent McCall as parish deacon at St. Paul’s, Kansas City, Mo.

The Rev. Helen McKee as parish priest of Trinity, Gretna, Va.

The Rev. Ciritta Park as rector of Redeemer, Bethesda, Md.

The Rev. Canon Dr. Francisco Pozo as vicar of Christo Rey, Trenton, N.J.

The Rev. Darrell Proffit as interim rector of Holy Comforter, Spring, Texas

The Rev. Wendy Rozene as parish deacon of St. Anne’s, Windham, Maine

The Rev. Patrick Rudolph as parish deacon of St. Paul’s, Marinette, Wis.


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