The Rev. Fred Clarkson is rector of La Sagrada Familia, Newton Grove, N.C.
The Rev. Barbi Click is parish deacon at St. Paul’s, Carondelet, Mo.
The Very Rev. Kim Coleman is archdean of the Diocese of Virginia.
The Rev. Emily Collette is Birmingham Episcopal campus minister in Alabama.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Chris Corbin is rector of Trinity, Oshkosh, Wis.
The Rev. Canon Portia Corbin is rector of St. John’s, New London, Wis.
The Rev. Bert Daly is rector of St. Francis of Assisi, Lake Placid, Fla.
Ms. Zibi Davidson is the Diocese of Georgia’s chaplain to retired clergy and spouses.
The Rev. Judy Davis is rector of Emmanuel, Richmond, Va.
The Rev. Canon John Day is priest in charge of St. Mary’s, Elk Grove, Calif.
The Rev. Charlie Deaton is rector of St. George’s, Clarksdale, Miss.
The Rev. Patricia Grace is interim rector of St. Stephen’s, Durham, N.C.
Mr. Erik Guzman is the Diocese of Central Florida’s director of communications.
The Rev. Lynn Hooks is deacon at St. Margaret’s, Baton Rouge, and Nativity, Rosedale, La.
The Rev. Susan Mills is vicar of Christ Church, Blaine, Wash.
The Rev. Betsey Monnot is priest in charge of St. Clement’s, Rancho Cordova, Calif.
The Rev. Dr. Kevin Moroney is priest in residence of St. Peter’s, Clifton, N.J.
The Rev. Thomas Morris is interim rector of St. Cyprian’s, Lufkin, Texas.
The Rev. Tom Mousin is rector of St. Peter’s, Portland, Maine.
The Rev. Penny Nash is interim rector of All Saints,’ Richmond, Va.
The Rev. Joe Robinson is interim priest at Holy Spirit, Orleans, Mass.
The Rev. Cara Rockhill is priest in charge of St. Paul’s, Newton Highlands, Mass.
The Rev. Brad St. Romain is interim rector of St. Augustine’s, Metaire, La.
The Rev. Peter Wong is priest in charge of Trinity, Baton Rouge, La.
Aaron Wright is executive director of the Bishop’s Ranch, Healdsburg, Calif.