The Rev. Andy Atkinson is deacon at Holy Cross, Wilmington, N.C.
The Rev. Jessica Babcock is rector of St. Mark’s, Marco Island, Fla.
The Rev. Michael Bordelon is rector of St. Barnabas, Lafayette, La.
The Rev. Lily Bush is interim rector of St. Luke’s, Delta, Colo.
The Rev. Asa Coulson is associate rector at Grace, Madison. N.J.
The Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson is rector of St. Andrew’s, Pacific Beach, Calif.
The Rev. Laurel Coote is interim priest of St. Mary’s, Los Angeles
The Rev. Peter Doddema is priest-in-charge of Ascension, Frankfort, Ky.
The Very Rev. Canon Tyler Doherty is dean and rector of St. Mark’s Cathedral, Salt Lake City.
The Rev. Seamus Doyle is permanent supply priest of St. Timothy’s, Laplace, La.
The Rev. Zach Fleetwood is interim rector of St. Anne’s, Scottsville, Va.
The Rev. Cheryl Fox is vicar of St. John’s Episcopal-Lutheran Congregation, Williams, Ariz.
The Rev. Felicia Smith Graybeal is priest-in-charge of St. Paul’s, Fort Collins, Colo.
The Rev. Canon Nancy Sargent McGrath Green is an honorary canon of the Diocese of Eastern Oregon.
The Rev. John Greve is rector of Grace, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
The Rev. Canon Paige Hanks is priest-in-charge of St. Bede’s and canon missioner of St. Peter’s Cathedral, St. Petersburg, Fla.
The Rev. Warren Hicks is rector at St. Thomas’, Chesapeake, Va.
The Rev. Michael Horvath is rector of St. Michael’s, Bristol, R.I.
The Rev. Robin L. James is rector of Grace, Liberty, Mo.
The Rev. Peter Kang is rector of St. Peter’s, Santa Maria, Calif.
The Rev. Verneda Kelly is rector of St. Thomas, Falls City, Neb.
The Rev. Victor King is vicar of Calvary, Hanover, Va.
The Rev. Richard Klafehn is interim rector of Christ Church, Manlius, N.Y.
The Rev. John E. Limo is rector of St. Timothy’s, Apple Valley, Calif.
The Rev. Eric Mansell is rector of Holy Spirit, Alabaster, Ala.
The Rev. David Marshall is priest-in-charge of All Angels by the Sea, Longboat Key, Fla.
The Rev. Kyle Martindale is rector of St. Stephen’s, Pearl River, N.Y.
The Rev. Lisa Mason is rector of St. John’s, Larchmont, N.Y.
The Rev. Brandt Montgomery is chaplain of St. James School, Hagerstown, Md.
The Rev. Eric Moulton is rector of St. John’s, Wilmington, N.C.
The Rev. Lauren Muratore is priest-in-charge of Redemption, Locust Point, Baltimore.
The Rev. Hartshorn Murphy is interim rector of St. Alban’s, Westwood, Calif.
The Rev. Jonathan Musser is assistant rector of St. Francis, Potomac, Md.
The Rev. Canon Dr. Samira Izadi Page is an honorary canon of the Diocese of Dallas.
The Rev. Canon Thomas A. Pantle is an honorary canon of the Diocese of Dallas.
The Rev. Canon Donald Parish is an honorary canon of the Diocese of Dallas.
The Rev. Jon Richardson is rector of St. David’s, Kinnelon, N.J.
The Rev. Roger Robillard is priest-in-charge of St. Barnabas, North Chesterfield, Va.
The Rev. Sheila Seekins is rector of Trinity, Lewiston, Maine.
The Rev. Tara Shepley is curate of St. George’s, Middlebury, Conn.
The Rev. Dana Stivers is curate of Holy Advent, Clinton, Conn.
The Rev. Rosemari Sullivan is interim rector of St. Andrew’s, Burke, Va.
The Rev. John Thomas is rector of Emmanuel, Greenwood, Va.
The Rev. Sarah Dammann Thomas is associate rector of Trinity Church, Santa Barbara, Calif.
The Rev. Todd Thomas is interim missioner for young adult ministry in the Diocese of Washington.
The Rev. Heather Wenrick is rector of Ascension, Seattle.
The Rev. Canon Doris Westfall is interim canon to the ordinary in the Diocese of Missouri.
The Rev. Andrea Wight is interim rector of St. James, Tempe, Ariz.
The Rev. Mark Wilkinson is rector of St. Paul’s, Katy, Texas.
The Rev. Lois Williams is priest-in-charge of Christ the Lord, Pinole, Calif.
The Rev. Frederick Willis is interim rector of Holy Trinity, Onancock, Va.
The Rev. Gregory M. Wilson is priest-in-charge of Trinity, Swedesboro, N.J.
The Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley is canon for strategic change for the Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York.
The Rev. Canon Richard C. Wrede is priest-in-charge of St. John’s, Chew’s Landing, N.J.
The Rev. Mary Cat Young is associate rector for university ministry at Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, N.C.
Europe: Stephanie Burette
Maine: Katie Holicky
Vermont: Kathleen Adams Moore
Albany: The Reverend Patti Jean Johnson (serving at St. James, Au Sable Forks, N.Y.)
Kentucky: Allison Caudill
Long Island: Adam Bucko, Anthony Edward Jones
Newark: Peter Savastano
Northern Indiana: Philip Russell Hooper
Virginia: Daniel Johnson, Patrick Keyser, Amanda Kotval, and Kristin Wickersham
The Rev. Carleton Bakkum as rector of Grace, Yorktown, Va.
The Rev. Don Brown as rector of St. Augustine’s, Baton Rouge, La.
The Rev. Nancy Brown as rector of St. Paul’s, Lancaster, Calif.
The Rev. Martha Clark as rector of St. Augustine’s, Washington, D.C.
The Rev. Tommy Dwyer as rector of St. James, Port St. Joe, Fla.
The Rev. Joseph Galligan as rector of Holy Trinity, Thermopolis, Wyo.
The Rev. Bob Pope as vicar of St. Augustine’s, Creede, and St. Stephen’s, Monte Vista, Colo.
The Rev. Judi Wiley as rector of St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, Ohio.