Florida: Gray Hodson, William Stokes
The Rev. Katharine Black is bridge priest of Good Shepherd, Watertown, Mass.
The Rev. Ryan Fleenor is rector of St. Luke’s, Darien, Conn.
The Rev. David Gertreu is associate for financial management for the Diocese of Southern Ohio.
The Rev. Rebecca Gettel is rector of St. Paul’s, Natick, Mass.
The Rev. Peter Gray is university chaplain of Sewanee: The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.
The Rev. Tom Hudson is priest-in-charge of St. George’s, Mount Savage, Md.
The Rev. Rick Larabee is priest-in-charge of Christ Church, West River, Md.
The Rev. Clay Lein is rector of Holy Trinity, Lincoln, Neb.
The Rev. Dr. Robert Leopold is interim pastor of Christ Church, Montpelier, Vt.
The Rev. Mollie Roberts is canon for diocesan life and leadership in the Diocese of East Carolina
The Rev. Donald Schranz is rector of St. John’s, Clifton Springs, N.Y.
Ms. Liz Williams is communications manager of the Diocese of Georgia.
The Rev. Allston Jacobs as rector of St. Katherine of Alexandria, Baltimore.
The Rev. Shelby Owen as rector of Emmanuel, Staunton, Va.
The Rev. Michael Singer as interim transition officer in the Diocese of East Carolina.