The Rev. Robert Solon Jr. is priest in charge of St. John’s, Passaic, N.J.
Sr. Sophia Rose is a novice of the Order of St. Helena, North Augusta, S.C.
The Rev. Fabio Sotelo is interim priest of St. Edward’s, Lawrenceville, Ga.
The Rev. Dn. Tim Spannaus is archdeacon of the Diocese of Michigan.
The Rev. Iain Stanford is rector of St. Peter’s, Redwood City, Calif.
The Rev. Darren Steadman is lower school chaplain of St. Christopher’s School, Richmond, Va.
The Rev. Donna Steckline is rector of Trinity, Arrington, Va.
The Rev. Dr. Lee Stephens is vicar of St. Bede’s, Cleveland, Okla.
The Rev. Jeff Stevenson is rector of St. Ann’s, Sayville, N.Y.
The Rev. Matthew Stewart is priest in charge of St. James, Cambridge, Mass.
The Rev. Benjamin Straley is rector of St. Stephen’s, Providence, R.I.
The Rev. Jane Stratford is vicar of St. Anna’s, Antioch, Calif.
The Rev. Richard Suero is priest in charge of San Andres, Yonkers, N.Y.
The Rev. Anne Thatcher is rector of St. Peter’s, Morristown, N.J.
The Very Rev. Benjamin Thomas is interim dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Eau Claire, Wis.
The Rev. Bill Van Oss is rector of St. Michael and All Angels, Sanibel, Fla.
The Rev. Sharon Voelker is rector of St. Stephen’s, Troy, Mich.
The Rev. Charles Wallace is priest in charge of Bethesda, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.