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‘Youth Are the Church Now’

...week is Elizabeth’s third time attending General Convention, and her second serving as a lay deputy from the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. At home, Elizabeth works to increase voter registration....

Deadline Approaches for Christian Unity in Rome

...Registration closes June 30. With the Eternal City as the backdrop, this course will focus on the history and development of Anglican ecclesiology as an ecumenical enterprise, and will primarily...

New: 5/26 Issue Online

...It Work? | Review by Steve Rice Creation Care Discipleship | Review by Pam Hyde The Faith Code | Review by Nicholas Knisely OTHER DEPARTMENTS Sunday’s Readings People & Places...

Hack a Rule of Life

...own Bible-based rule, The Faith Code of the title. (This is a play on the idea of source code, a key part of any modern technology business.) The book has...

Mostly Quiet Along the Liturgical Front at GC Hearing

...General Convention, which is set for June 23-28. The convention’s “virtual binder” contains a schedule of upcoming hearings, many of which are open to the public with advance registration. The...

Ugandan Archbishop Reclaims Church Properties

...told the newspaper in a phone interview. Judith Nabakooba, lands minister for Uganda’s national government, has said she will bolster registration of church properties. Incomplete registration has made it much...

John Behr on Being Human

...Peeler, Victor Austin, and Graham Tomlin. Watch any Living Church space for registration coming soon.) Now brush up on your Greek, because there will be a test on the Timaeus...

From the Archives: The Episcopate as an Organ of Catholicity

...standards. The dynamic quality of the Spirit operates, moreover, to stir the stagnation of complacent conformity to a merely conventional code. Its righteousness cannot be stationary. Because of the infinite...

Church Urges Congress to ‘Categorically’ Abolish U.S. Slavery

...Amendment, the criminal justice system began subjecting prisoners to dangerous slavery-like working conditions without compensation,” OGR wrote. “A system of ‘Black codes’ was implemented in the South to arrest on...

Bishop Suspends Ministry Over Secret Marriage

...Geoffrey Smith, the Australian primate, in a recent statement. “The Anglican Church of Australia has a code of conduct, Faithfulness in Service, to guide appropriate clergy behaviour, and Episcopal Standards...


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