Adapted from Anglican Communion News Service
The Church of the Province of West Africa plans to vote on a constitutional change that creates two provinces with two archbishops. The Rev. Canon Anthony Eiwuley, provincial secretary, said that the church will meet in special synod at Cuttington University Sept. 27-29.
“At this synod, we shall be adopting an amendment to our constitution to give room for the establishment of two administrative provinces: one to contain all the dioceses in Ghana, and the other the rest of the six dioceses in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cameroon,” he said. “Each of the smaller provinces will then elect an administrative archbishop and, out of the two, one will be elected the primate of the province.”
The Most Rev. Justice Akrofi, West Africa’s current primate, will retire Oct. 29 at age 70.
Photo of Archbishop Justice Akrofi courtesy of the Anglican Communion Office
Matthew Townsend is the former news editor of The Living Church and former editor of the Anglican Journal. He lives in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.