The Rev. Howard Castleberry, rector of Christ Church in Nacodoches, Texas, writes from Tanzania about his parish’s mission:
In February of 2012, Abp. Valentine Mokiwa came from Tanzania to our church in Nacogdoches and told the story of his people — how water is such a precious commodity that women must walk miles to get it; will sell themselves for it; that it is sold on the street in filthy plastic 4-gallon containers at a price over one thousand times what we pay for water plumbed to our homes. The Archbishop left us with a dream — one that sought to improve the lives of people halfway around the world.
Fourteen months later, we have traveled from dream to reality. We are here with a drilling rig shipped from the United States and paid for by heroic donations from many of you, donations that will literally save lives in the years to come. The improved health conditions created by this program when completed will positively impact at least 100,000 people.
Hat tip: Diocese of Texas