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Transforming a Block

Episcopal Commons Video from Episcopal Church in Minnesota on Vimeo.

The Rt. Rev. Brian Prior, Bishop of Minnesota, writes about plans for Episcopal Commons:

St. Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, Episcopal Homes of Minnesota, and your ECMN [Episcopal Church in Minnesota] Trustees are imagining a partnership whereby God’s mission can be engaged in the Loring Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. Imagine senior housing connected to the ECMN offices right next door to the Cathedral, and there are hopes of creating not only greater community between all three, but greater opportunities in this neighborhood. From the beginning, the partners began by engaging their neighbors in the conversation. Their feedback has been critical to the design of the building and future opportunities for the entire neighborhood.

This is an exciting opportunity. I appreciate the bold imagination and continual re-imagination that all partners have brought with their gifts to this Missional Innovative Partnership.

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