The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, Bishop of Washington, writes about a leadership text that has found a cross-denominational audience:
At a recent staff meeting Kathleen Hall, Diocesan Director of Human Resources and Administration, shared with us a portion of a presentation Mary Kay Wold, CEO and President of Church Pension Group, gave to a gathering of Episcopal Church Administrators. The presentation was based on a new book by leadership guru Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else in Business. Later in the same week, I listened to a podcast interview with Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church (a church whose mission is to reach those with no religious affiliation in Atlanta) and he referenced the same book as the basis of a year-long study with his leadership team.
Intrigued, I went online to read more about The Advantage.
Lencioni’s premise is this: the seminal difference between successful organizations and mediocre ones has little to do with what they know and how smart they are and more to do with their organizational health. As a practicing Christian and consultant to ministers around the country, Lencioni believes that organizational health in churches matters even more than in businesses because of our dependence on those who volunteer their time and financial support.