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Prayers in Baltimore

Adapted from the Diocese of Maryland:

The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Bishop of Maryland, said in a Facebook post earlier Tuesday, “Pray for Baltimore. Violence is not the answer, ever.”

The Diocese of Maryland has announced these opportunities for prayer at the Cathedral of the Incarnation on Tuesday:

  • Centering Prayer, Peace Chapel, with Bishop Sutton, 11:30 a.m.-noon
  • Tuesday Eucharist, 12:15-1 p.m.
  • Open forum on the city, 1-2 p.m.
  • Prayer vigil, reflection and solace, 2-6 p.m.

At 6 p.m. Bishop Sutton will represent the diocese at an interfaith gathering being planned in Baltimore.

Blue Mass
St. John’s in the Village, Baltimore, 6:30 p.m. The annual Blue Mass will honor Baltimore’s police, firefighters, and paramedics. Plan to be present as we pray for the protection, guidance and encouragement of our men and women in blue.

For Cities
Book of Common Prayer, 1979, p. 825

Heavenly Father, in your Word you have given us a vision of that holy City to which the nations of the world bring their glory: Behold and visit, we pray, the cities of the earth. Renew the ties of mutual regard which form our civic life. Send us honest and able leaders. Enable us to eliminate poverty, prejudice, and oppression, that peace may prevail with righteousness, and justice with order, and that men and women from different cultures and with differing talents may find with one another the fulfillment of their humanity; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Image of Baltimore at night by ardelfin, via morgueFile


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