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Pray for Our Leaders

The Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director of Forward Movement Publications, has announced a 30-day season of prayer focused on the presidential election:

In the United States, we are in the midst of a contentious election season. Potential voters are discerning how to vote, but observers inside and outside the country are also watching the candidates closely. Opinions are sharply divided. What kind of leaders do we need? What is the best way forward for our nation? Indeed, what are the challenges we must solve together?

I’ve heard people say, again and again, “I’m not sure what to do.” For Christians, there is always one thing we can do, every one of us. We can pray. We can pray for wisdom, for grace, for patience, for courage, for hope. We can and must pray for those with whom we disagree. Whatever else we do, we must pray. We might use our own words, or we might like some language to give voice to our concerns and hopes. We Anglicans are blessed with riches of common prayer.

Forward Movement is calling Episcopalians and all others to join with us in A Season of Prayer: For an Election. This is a 30-day season, in which we will pray each day with a particular intention for this time in our national life. Each day includes a suggested intention and a collect. We also suggest the use of a brief litany every day. The season of prayer begins Sunday, October 9, and continues through the day after the election. We have used prayers from The Book of Common Prayer.

Join us on Forward Movement’s social media channels (Facebook or Twitter) in offering or sharing each day’s prayer. You also can download weekly bulletin inserts or a list of all the prayers at www.forwardmovement.org/election. The resources are available in English or Spanish. Please encourage your congregation and your friends to get involved.

At a time when nearly everyone agrees that we are being consumed by fear and division, here is a chance to change the conversation. While we will certainly differ in our politics, we can surely join together in prayer. I hope you will join in this season of prayer. God knows, our country, our leaders, those who seek public office, and those who are voting need all the help we can get. Let us pray.


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