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PB’s Surgery Delayed

Adapted from the Office of Public Affairs

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry wishes to thank all Episcopalians and others for the generous outpouring of prayer and well wishes in response to his announcement yesterday that he will be undergoing surgery.

That surgery, originally scheduled for Monday, is now scheduled for Tuesday. The postponement is to allow some aspirin he took on Sunday time to clear his system.

Presiding Bishop Curry was taken to the hospital Dec. 6 after a visitation to Bruton Parish Church in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. A full recovery is expected.

Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer and the Presiding Bishop’s chief of staff, will be the celebrant and preacher at the Chapel of Christ Our Lord, 815 Second Ave., New York City, at 12:10 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday. He invites others to join this prayer, which he will offer during the service:

Precious Lord, take our hands, lead us on, let us stand. Let us stand today that we might better praise you. Let us stand that we might better hear you. Let us stand that we might better see you in the face of our neighbor. Let us stand that we might better embrace those who need you today. Let us stand that we might better feed those who hunger today. Let us stand that we might better serve the needy today. Let us stand that we might better clothe the naked today. Let us stand that we might better walk to visit the sick and free the captives and proclaim the good news of salvation to the ends of the earth today and every day. Let us stand today, even though we know you are doing for us better things that we can ask or imagine, to seek your presence with Michael and among us. Strengthen him on this day of his surgery. Guide those who care for him on your behalf in the hospital. And bring us all together again in your way and in your time that we can live lives of gratitude and love from this day onward. It is in your holy name that we pray. Amen. (Inspired by Songs My Grandma Sang by Bishop Curry)

Bishop Sauls said Bishop Curry’s office will release further updates.


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