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PB Adds to His Staff


Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has chosen two new members of his staff after churchwide searches. Wendy Karr Johnson is digital missioner for formation and Lacy Broemel is refugee and immigration policy analyst.

Johnson began in the newly created position June 6, focusing on online formation, social media, and event-planning facilitation.

Johnson has been communications manager for Episcopal Migration Ministries since October 2014.She has worked previously on Episcopal Youth Events and as the Episcopal Church in Minnesota’s communications director.

“Ministry with youth and young adults is foundational to the Episcopal Church and to the Jesus Movement,” Johnson said. “I am excited to have the opportunity to support this ministry and the young people of our church as we engage the critical and life-giving work ahead.”


As refugee and immigration policy analyst, Broemel will be based in the nation’s capital, working with the Office of Government Relations and in cooperation with Episcopal Migration Ministries on the immigration and refugee public-policy positions adopted by General Convention and Executive Council, and Bishop Curry’s ministry.

The analyst represents church policies to government leaders, devises and executes legislative and communication strategy, proposes and monitors federal legislation, writes public-policy statements and letters, determines and writes public-policy alerts for the Episcopal Public Policy Network, trains Episcopalians in advocacy, and builds coalitions to support policy priorities.

Since October 2014, Broemel has been the manager for communications and operations for the Office of Government Relations. She began her new work June 1.

“The Episcopal Church, through Episcopal Migration Ministries, works tirelessly to support and protect refugees around the world and in our communities,” she said. “I am eager to engage Episcopalians and our elected officials in this important and faithful work of advocating for just and humane migration policies.”


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