The Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music will prepare a plan for a comprehensive revision of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
The House of Deputies concurred with the House of Bishops on Thursday to begin the process, which could lead to a revision that would “utilize the riches of our Church’s liturgical, cultural, racial, generational, linguistic, gender and ethnic diversity in order to share common worship.”
“We’re talking about establishing a plan,” said deputy Kate Moorehead. “We’re simply embarking on a study and a listening process.”
Deputies also voted with bishops to accept changes to the Revised Common Lectionary pertaining to Holy Week readings. Those proposed changes had already been through a first reading for revisions.
Seventy-one percent of deputies voted for the changes, despite some objections.
“How can you have Good Friday and not hear the story of Isaac?” asked deputy Evan Garner of Alabama. “That would disappear with this revision.”