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Bp. Adams Called to Charleston

Adapted from the Episcopal Church in South Carolina

Leaders of The Episcopal Church in South Carolina have nominated the Rt. Rev. Gladstone B. “Skip” Adams III as the next provisional bishop for the diocese, calling him to South Carolina as he prepares to retire as Bishop of Central New York.

The Standing Committee has called a special convention for Sept. 10 at Grace Church Cathedral in Charleston, where delegates will vote on installing Bishop Adams as the successor to Bishop Charles G. vonRosenberg.

Bishop Adams was the unanimous choice of the standing committee, said the Rev. Jean McGraw, its president. The nomination follows a four-month search and interviews with several potential nominees, coordinated with help from the Rt. Rev. Clayton Matthews of the Episcopal Church’s Office of Pastoral Development.

Bishop vonRosenberg, who has served in his provisional role for 3½ years, announced in January that he would retire after his 2015-16 calendar of episcopal visitations concluded this month. President McGraw said that vonRosenberg, at the standing committee’s request, has agreed to remain in office until his successor takes office.

“We are looking forward to welcoming Bishop Skip to lead us into the next chapter in our life as Episcopalians in this diocese,” McGraw said. “He has the gifts and skills to help us continue building on the strong foundation we have created together under the leadership of Bishop vonRosenberg.”

“I am excited by the opportunity to serve the people of the Episcopal Church in South Carolina,” Bishop Adams said. “Seeking to be as open-hearted as possible to the Holy Spirit’s movement, I said to the Standing Committee that this seems like a call from God. I was greatly energized by our conversations and believe that working together in Christ we will build on the good work already being done by God’s people in South Carolina. I also want to say how grateful I am to Bishop vonRosenberg for the excellent leadership he has offered.”

Adams, 63, is retiring later this year as 10th Bishop of Central New York, where he has served for the last 15 years. He had announced in March 2015 his plans to retire from that post, and the diocese is scheduled to elect his successor Aug. 6.


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