Via Anglican Communion News Service
The Most Rev. Josiah Idowu-Fearon, secretary general of the Anglican Communion, has welcomed the announcement today of the Archbishop of Canterbury of a special Meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion. They will gather at Canterbury Cathedral in January 2016. The Primates of the Communion last met in 2011 at the Emmaus Centre, Dublin, in the Republic of Ireland.
Commenting on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s announcement, the Secretary General has identified this news as “a very healthy development borne out of Archbishop Justin’s visit to every primate and every province of the Anglican Communion, and subsequent face to face and/or telephone discussions.” Archbishop Josiah is encouraged that nearly all the Primates have indicated support for this meeting.
“This is a most welcome development. The Anglican Communion must now allow the Holy Spirit to intervene in the differences that divide us. We at the Anglican Communion Office are positioned to assist in fostering a desirable outcome,” Archbishop Josiah said.
The Secretary General also affirmed Archbishop Justin’s intention to extend an invitation to Archbishop Foley Beach of the Anglican Church in North America to be present for part of the Primates’ meeting. “This is an opportunity to listen to useful ideas from this group on how we continue as a Communion in light of the search and openness to the leading of the Holy Spirit,” he said.
Archbishop Josiah called for prayers by all Christians and people of goodwill towards a successful Primates’ meeting.