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New: 10/30 TLC Online

The October 30 Education issue of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.

Our cover story includes two interviews with eyewitnesses to the ongoing suffering of the Ukrainian people in the midst of Russian invasion. Archbishop Yurij Yuriyovych Yurchyk speaks with Richard Mammana from Zaporizhzhia, the target of numerous missile attacks. Cindy Voorhees, a California priest, shares stories from two weeks visiting women and children impacted by the violence.

In News, Kirk Petersen reports on a fraud investigation in Pennsylvania, where the former executive director of a fund for the widows and orphans of the clergy is alleged to have misappropriated $1.4 million. The Church of England’s refused to allow the Rev. Mpho Tutu, a lesbian Episcopal priest, to officiate at a funeral, and a British MP says it could threaten the church’s establishment. Mark Michael has the story

Kirk Petersen helps church leaders think through the Employee Retention Tax Credit, a pandemic-related government benefit that could be worth the trouble. Amber Noel interviews the Rev. Dr. Annette Brownlee, chaplain at Wycliffe College Toronto about forming tomorrow’s clergy in a diverse church, while Stephen Spencer, the Anglican Communion’s director of theological education, discusses a major online publishing initiative to help struggling seminaries.

We publish the winning submission to our 13th Student Essays in Christian Wisdom contest, “Sacred Space and Mystical Symbolism,” by Garrett Puccetti, a middler at Nashotah House. Puccetti discusses the influence of Pseudo-Dionysus’ theology of light on the architectural innovations of the Abbey of St. Denis, an early Gothic masterpiece.

Dennis Raverty explores masterpieces of a different kind, the quilts of New York priest Posey Krakowsky, which combine design elements from African, Central American, and Chinese folk art, as well as Christian iconography.

Book reviews by Stephen Platten and Joey Royal examine new titles about the purpose and interpretation of Scripture, while Jean McCurdy Meade surveys God, Grades & Graduation, a study of how religiously serious students perform at university, and Daniel Muth probes religious and scientific questions around the historical Adam.

All this plus People & Places and Sunday’s Readings, from an independent voice serving the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion since 1878. Consider subscribing today.


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