The Rt. Rev. Chilton R. Knudsen, Assistant Bishop of Maryland, announces via email that the diocesan cathedral has a new dean:
I am grateful to be the one to inform you of the good news that the Rev. Rob Boulter is the new dean of the Cathedral of the Incarnation. Following an intentional series of discernment steps, the cathedral chapter voted unanimously at its planning retreat this month to affirm Bishop Sutton’s appointment of Rob as dean.
According to the canons of the Diocese of Maryland, the dean of the cathedral is appointed by the bishop with the approval of the cathedral chapter. Bishop Sutton, with the chapter’s approval, asked Rob to join the staff in August 2014 as acting dean for a two-year period of mutual discernment. The chapter and acting dean were free at any time during that period to decide whether to accept the bishop’s appointment.
Rob becomes the fourth dean of the cathedral. He follows the Very Rev. Hal Ley Hayek, who resigned in June 2014. Rob’s statement to the cathedral congregation acknowledges the past and looks to the future: “With God’s grace and our combined efforts I know the Cathedral will continue to grow and thrive. I believe this because I’ve learned, first hand, that the Cathedral Community is resilient and resourceful.”
The chapter leadership’s full announcement to the cathedral community is available here.