The April 23 edition of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.
This edition features three essays from TLC’s website, Covenant, that focus on education: “Will Our Children Have Faith?,” “Fragmented Formation: Training Clergy,” and “Clergy Should Keep Learning.” Jordan Hylden writes in the lead essay:
In any list of the most influential contemporary texts in Christian formation, John H. Westerhoff III’s Will Our Children Have Faith? (Seabury, 1976) must have a prominent place. Since its publication 40 years ago, Westerhoff’s book has been translated into six languages. Thousands of seminarians have read it, and it has guided countless parishes and denominational offices in their Christian education programs.
Westerhoff became an Episcopal priest in midlife, and was deeply involved in churchwide educational work, serving as the primary drafter for Called to Teach and Learn: A Catechetical Vision and Guide for the Episcopal Church (1994).
The third edition of Westerhoff’s seminal book, which came out in 2012, includes a study guide by Sharon Ely Pearson, the Christian formation editor for Church Publishing, saluting Westerhoff’s book as a “prophetic voice and call to the Christian community to take back religious education” from its relegation to “Sunday morning classes.”
“Westerhoff,” she writes, “called the church to move beyond teaching children the facts about religion, to learning and experiencing what it means to be a faithful Christian.”
- Second Battle for St. James
- Church Challenges Venue in Sauls Lawsuit
- Retooling for Ministry | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
- Will Our Children Have Faith? | By Jordan Hylden
- Fragmented Formation: Training Clergy | By Mark Clavier
- Clergy Should Keep Learning | By John Mason Lock
- Warm Welcome in Newfoundland | By Retta Blaney
- Dueling Concepts of Human Life | By Douglas LeBlanc
- The Episcopal Way • The Episcopal Story • A Faith for the Future | Review by John C. Bauerschmidt
- The Making of Modern English Theology | Review by Giuseppe Gagliano
- The Catholic Church | Review by Paul Avis
Catholic Voices
- United by Climate Change | By Steven R. Ford
Other Departments
- People & Places
- Sunday’s Readings