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New: 6/13 TLC Online

The May 16 Parish Ministry issue of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.

Our cover story celebrates the new pipe organ at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Kauai, Hawaii — the only church on the island with a pipe organ. Did you know a “clarion” stop in Hawaiian is labeled “pū kani pākolu”?

In News, Kirk Petersen describes a painful property settlement in Fort Worth, women streaming toward the episcopacy, and a sex scandal haunting the Church of England.

Mark Michael profiles newly elected Ruth M. Woodliff-Stanley, whose expertise in strategic change will come in handy after she is consecrated as the first Bishop of South Carolina in nearly a decade. Mark also reports on violence in Uganda and a key archbishop election in Australia.

There are two features on church growth: Jordan Hylden dives deeply into lessons from the Church of England in two books by scholar-pastors, and Kirk profiles a Texas church that racked up impressive growth numbers before the pandemic scrambled the statistics.

Maria Hotchkiss weighs in on “Pickleball Evangelism,” and how can you pass by a title like that?

Neva Rae Fox continues her focus on the practical effects of the pandemic with the first of two articles on the future of the “hybrid church” in a post-COVID world.

In the Ethics column, Amber Noel interviews author Sara Schumacher about the spiritual disciplines of solitude, simplicity and Sabbath, and how they can help reveal “who is my neighbor”?

Book reviews delve into the drama of John Donne’s life, the faithful use of wealth, why being yourself is a bad idea, and whether racism is a doctrine or a policy.

All this plus more news, obituaries, and Sunday’s Readings, from an independent voice covering the Episcopal and Anglican world since 1878. Consider subscribing today.


  • A Painful Divorce in Fort Worth
    By Kirk Petersen


  • In Search of Growth
    St. Paul’s Church, Prosper, Texas | By Kirk Petersen
  • Learning from England: Lessons in Church Growth
    By Jordan Hylden
  • Pickleball Evangelism | By Marcia Hotchkiss
  • Remembering a Broken Body
    Review by Micah Latimer-Dennis
  • Diverse Bishops Honored at Wycliffe College Event
    By Cole Hartin
  • ‘The Hybrid Church’: What Is It? (Part 1)
    By Neva Rae Fox


  • Spiritual Disciplines for a Digital Age — An Interview With
    Dr. Sara Schumacher | By Amber Noel


  • A Companion in Crisis | Review by Timothy Jones
  • Money Matters | Review by James W. Murphy
  • Why Being Yourself Is a Bad Idea
    Review by Stewart Clem
  • Justified by Her Children | Review by Richard J. Jones


  • People & Places
  • Sunday’s Readings


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