The May 14 Education & Retirement issue of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.
In our cover story, Kirk Petersen interviews seminarians and graduates about friendships formed at two seminaries who draw students from both the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church in North America: Nashotah House, and the Anglican Episcopal House of Studies at Duke Divinity School.
In News, Kirk describes the Diocese of Florida’s aggressive defense to a church court report that found a “pattern and practice” of discrimination against LGBTQ clergy and allies, as the struggle over the contested bishop election continues. He also reports on new bishops for the Armed Forces and the Diocese of Maryland.
Douglas LeBlanc reports that Episcopal Divinity School is discontinuing its residential degree program and parting ways with Union Theological Seminary. The Archbishop of Canterbury installed a prominent Kenyan cleric in a key advisory post, and Doug has that story, too.
In Opinion, the head of the Standing Committee and an LGBTQ priest provide their opposite takes on the prospective episcopacy of the Rev. Charlie Holt in Florida. K. Augustine Tanner-Ihm calls on the international community to oppose a harsh anti-LGBTQ law being considered in Uganda.
Christine Havens profiles a Texas church “searching for growth” in a former drive-through bank. Lauren Anderson-Cripps describes a votive ship unveiled in a Brooklyn church, continuing a century-old tradition.
Reporting from Ghana, Mark Michael profiles seminarians at St. Nicholas Seminary in Cape Coast, being prepared for future leadership in the eight-country Province of West Africa.
In Cultures, Pamela Lewis reviews an exhibit of 17th-century works of Juan de Pareja, a painter in the Afro-Hispanic diaspora who emerged from slavery to develop a distinctive style.
In Children of the God of Israel, Ellen Cherry analyzes the problematic references to “fear of the Jews” in the Gospel of John’s resurrection story.
In De Terra Veritas, Mark is back with a paean to his coffee-stained third edition of The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, as he reviews the achievements and shortcomings of the fourth edition. He’s going to keep both.
All this plus more news, book reviews, People & Places, and Sunday’s Readings, from an independent voice serving the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion since 1878. Consider subscribing today.
- Diocese of Florida Challenges Court of Review
By Kirk Petersen
- Preserve the Big Tent | By Joe Gibbes
- Consent Means More Division | By Elyse Gustafson
- Uganda Law Attacks Basic Human Rights
By K. Augustine Tanner-Ihm
- St. Mary’s, Hillsboro, Texas: Not Defined by a Building
(or Lack Thereof) | By Christine Havens - Nashotah and Duke Bridge TEC-ACNA Gap
By Kirk Petersen - Brooklyn Votive Ship Marks God’s Protection
By Lauren Anderson-Cripps - The Seminarians of St. Nicholas: Meet West Africa’s
Future Church Leaders | By Mark Michael - Spotting the Ground | By Michael Spencer
- Scholastic Ecumenism: An Invitation to Episcopal Schools | By David Hein
- The Artist Who Restored What Slavery Had Taken
Away | By Pamela A. Lewis
- Book Reviews
- De Terra Veritas
- Children of the God of Israel
- Sunday’s Readings
- People & Places