The October 18 Fall Education edition of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers.
The cover story by Michael Sullivan tells how the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina is struggling to maintain its mission of hospitality in the era of COVID-19.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has had his son baptized as a Roman Catholic, and Mark Michael explains the irony of this in a governing system historically hostile to Catholicism.
Jim & Emily Watkins examine Canterbury House of Studies a new homeschool resource for aligning a child’s education with the Anglican tradition.
Bishop Jenny Andison of the Diocese of Toronto looks at the current crisis as an opportunity to help parents reclaim their historic role in the faith formation of their children.
Ian Burch describes his surprise at realizing he has become a mentor.
For TLC‘s 11th annual Student Essays in Christian Wisdom competition, winner Molly Jayne Layton examines the impact of the current “eucharistic famine.”
In the Ethics column, Victor Lee Austin confronts the passions stirred by the abortion issue in light of the unexpected vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Mark Michael looks at potential new purposes for old church buildings in his De terra veritas column.
All this plus more news and book reviews, People & Places, and Sunday’s Readings, from an independent voice covering the Episcopal and Anglican world since 1878. Consider subscribing today.
- House of Bishops Reflects on White Supremacy
- Prime Minister’s Son Baptized Roman Catholic
- Canterbury House of Studies: An Anglican
Homeschooling Resource | By Jim & Emily Watkins - COVID, Children and Catechesis
By Jenny Andison - Who Me? On Being a Mentor
By Ian Burch - Kanuga and the Cloud of Unknowing
By Michael Sullivan - Artists Remain Essential, Says Mario Sprouse
By Retta Blaney - Student Essay Contest Winner
The Eucharist and the Body of Christ
By Molly Jayne Layton
- How to Think About Abortion | By Victor Lee Austin
- The Way of Love | Review by Neil Dhingra
- To Think Christianly | Review by Kristen Gunn
- De terra veritas
- People & Places
- Sunday’s Readings