Anglican Taonga reports:
Archbishop David Moxon is heading to Rome as the Anglican Communion’s chief representative to the Roman Catholic Church.
This means he will step down in April as the Archbishop of the New Zealand dioceses, and thus as one of the three leaders of the Anglican Church in these islands. He will also resign as Bishop of Waikato.
Archbishop David’s new role in Rome will be twofold: as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Representative to the Holy See, and also as the Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome. He expects to take up those responsibilities in May next year.
The representative role involves relating to the Vatican and the Pope on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Communion; while the Anglican Centre is an Anglican “embassy” in Rome which promotes Christian unity though hospitality, prayer and education — and which brokers new joint endeavours by the Catholic and Anglican churches.
Anglican Taonga photo: Archbishop David Moxon at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Hamilton.