Two posts to the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music’s weblog provide greater details about the SCLM’s plans for two books widely used by congregations, clergy, and laity of the Episcopal Church:
Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006
During the 2016-2018 triennium, the Calendar of Commemorations workgroup of the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music (SCLM) will be working to propose updates to “Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006” for consideration by General Convention in 2018. The criteria for inclusion will be those set forth on pages 491-493 of “Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006,” which is the official calendar of commemorations of the Episcopal Church.
… General Convention 2015 made “A Great Cloud of Witnesses” available for private devotion or local use, but because it was not authorized as an official liturgical resource of the church, the SCLM does not plan to update it. However, local congregations have considerable flexibility in using commemorations that are appropriate to their local context, regardless of whether they appear on the church’s official calendar, and the existence of such local observances can be important to the convention’s decision to add a commemoration to the churchwide calendar. The guidelines for local calendars and memorials and procedures for national recognition are available on pages 494-495 of “Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2006.”
The Book of Occasional Services 2003
New liturgies to be developed for consideration of the 2015 General Convention include:
Las Posadas
Day of the Dead/DĂa de los Muertos
Lunar New Year
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Blessing of Holy Water
Rubric and Directions for Short-Form House Blessing
Reincorporation after Traumatic Absence
St. Francis Day/Blessing of the Animals
Naming Rite for Receiving or Claiming a New Name