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Missouri Seeks 11th Bishop

The Search/Nominating Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri has opened the application process for the 11th bishop.

“We are seeking a pastor who will partner with us. An empathetic shepherd who will listen to our ideas, celebrate our ministries, and encourage us to find new and different approaches — bringing innovative missional thinking to our common life together.

Individual files pertinent to the search are available as .pdfs (diocesan profile, application, and consent form). But a new website gathers this material, along with photographs from across the diocese. The diocesan press release states:

It all comes back to God. We want an evangelist. Someone to witness to God’s never ending presence in a world which is increasingly polarized and broken. We want someone to work with us to develop our gifts and to encourage us to do the work God has given us to do in the world. …

The Mission of the Diocese of Missouri is the mission of all baptized Christians: to teach and to spread the Gospel and its knowledge of salvation to all people; and to make the love of Christ known in the world through our own actions as individuals, as congregations, and as the Diocese, by feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, visiting the prisoner, and comforting those in times of trouble.

 Search Process Timeline

  • May 3: the application process opened online
  • All applications must be submitted and postmarked on or before June 7, 2019
  • Late June: Interview process begins with prospective candidates
  • July-August: Interviews conducted online / conduct background checks
  • September: Retreat with prospective candidates, slate of candidates decided, slate presented to Standing Committee

Adapted from the Diocese of Missouri


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