Julanne Clarke-Morris writes about the book Life-Widening Mission: Global Anglican Perspectives for Anglican Taonga News:
Archbishop Rowan Williams believes the Anglican Communion needs to change its approach to mission. He also thinks young Anglicans will lead the way — which is why he was so excited about a book launch in Holy Trinity Cathedral on Sunday.
… The book has been edited by Dr. Cathy Ross (Aotearoa New Zealand) and brings together first-hand reflections on mission from local mission contexts and in response to the Edinburgh 2010 global mission conference which the group attended.
One of the writers, the Rev. Irene Ayallo (Kenya), spoke at the launch, saying the book reflects “what we learned, what challenged us, and what frustrated us” at that conference.
Life-Widening Mission is available from the Anglican Communion Office for £15. Wipf and Stock publishes the book in the United States.
Photo by Anglican Taonga News: The Rev. Irene Ayollo of Kenya speaks at the launch of Life-Widening Mission.