The March 22 edition of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers. In the cover feature of this edition, the Rev. Mark Michael writes about the development and the treasures of the Great Litany:
The Litany is a text forged out of tragedy. The eruptions of fourth-century volcanoes, the perils of the Black Death, and wars of the 16th century all left a mark on its historical development. It is a text that speaks to pastoral need, the Church’s gift for times of crisis. When you do not know how else to pray, there is always the Litany.
… A wise Episcopal priest once told me that, during his years of ministry in several different parishes, he had come to know the Litany best during a particularly contentious time in one of them. “We read it every Sunday,” he remembered, “until we could work together again.” It reminded that particular company of “miserable sinners” that they stood together under God’s judgment, sustained only by his grace. They could only begin to love each other and serve God together faithfully when their common life had been renewed by calling these particular truths to mind week by week.
A Most Complicated Parish
Good Lord, Deliver Us | By Mark A. Michael
Preach from the Soul | By Jonathan Mitchican
Quality vs. Quantity | By Ragan Sutterfield
That They May Be One? | Review by Paul Avis
A Thicker Jesus | Review by William O. Daniel, Jr.
Seeds for Church Growth | Review by Bruce Robison
Catholic Voices
Entrepreneurs for Mission | By Scott Anson Benhase
Dress for the Banquet | By E.T. Malone, Jr.
Lent in Image and Verse | By Mary McCleary and Rowan Williams
On the Downbeat: Whiplash | Review by Leonard Freeman
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