Adapted from the Diocese of Los Angeles
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (LTSP) inaugurated the Frederick Houk Borsch Chair of Anglican Studies during a Holy Eucharist April 9 in Schaeffer Ashmead Chapel. Borsch presided at the Eucharist, welcoming colleagues, alumni, and the board of trustees.
Borsch was the fifth Bishop of Los Angeles, serving from June 1989 to January 2002. He has taught Anglican studies at LTSP since the fall of 2003; for much of that time he also has been a professor of New Testament.
Before becoming bishop of Los Angeles, Borsch taught at several seminaries in the United States and England, and served as dean and president of Church Divinity School of the Pacific and interim dean of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.
Image: Bishop Borsch celebrates the Eucharist in the seminary’s Schaeffer Ashmead Chapel.