Anglicans and Lutherans from across the world have prepared 42 biblical reflections that mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The authors represent a balance of global Anglicanism and global Lutheranism, and include both ordained and lay people, women and men.
Although suitable for a Lenten study program, the reflections can be used at any other time of the year. They are being posted day by day throughout Lent on the websites of both the Lutheran World Federation and the Anglican Communion.
The reflections are guided by the federation’s overarching theme for the 2017 commemoration (“Liberated by God’s Grace”) and subthemes of “Salvation—Not for Sale,” “Human Beings—Not for Sale,” “Creation—Not for Sale,” and “Freed to Serve—Diakonia.”
Anglican Lutheran Reflections 2017 by TheLivingChurchdocs on Scribd