Adapted from Ordinariate News:
A glance at the website of the Community of Our Lady and St. John in Louisville, Kentucky, shows a community “in the process of entering into full communion with the Catholic Church through the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.”
Members are currently led by a former Episcopal priest, Jonathan Erdman. They began in Lent of 2016 as a community of Christians gathering at Fr. Erdman’s home for worship, mutual support, and friendship. This diverse group included both former lifelong Episcopalians and those who were Baptists, Lutherans, and Presbyterians. They now gather for regular prayer, study, discussion, and fellowship and attend Mass together at St. Martin of Tours.
Fr. Erdman resigned from Calvary Church, Louisville, in December 2015, amid pressures to celebrate weddings for same-sex couples. He is now in formation to become a Roman Catholic priest.