Bexley Seabury’s Chicago Convocation, scheduled for April 26 at St. James Commons, will feature a panel discussion among two priests and a seminarian on themes of justice.
The speakers scheduled for “Bending Toward Justice” are:
- The Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart, a former police captain, associate rector of Calvary Church in Washington, D.C., and founder of the Center for the Study of Faith in Justice.
- The Rev. Canon John Floberg, a Bexley Hall alumnus, supervising priest for three Episcopal congregations at Standing Rock Sioux Nation, and canon missioner for the Diocese of North Dakota. As leader of the Episcopal Church’s support to water protectors at Standing Rock, Floberg organized a national call to serve that drew more than 500 interfaith clergy and lay ministers to Standing Rock in November 2016.
- Kenji Kuramitsu, a writer and MDiv student at Chicago’s McCormick Theological Seminary. A child of two police officers, he helped create Theology of Ferguson and #StayWokeAdvent anthologies on Medium, and has written A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer: Collects for the #BlackLivesMatter Movement (and beyond).
More information is available on the convocation webpage.