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Joint Hiring Powers on Execs

The House of Bishops has joined the House of Deputies in granting joint authority to the presiding bishop and the president of the House of Deputies when they hire the church’s top executives.

During its legislative session Wednesday afternoon, the House of Bishops had considered Substitute Resolution A004 (Amend I.4.1-8: Restructure Executive Council). The resolution is a rewrite of the canons regulating the most powerful governing body in the church, outside of General Convention. The text had material incorporated from various sources (see “Power to Fire?” for more details), and had already passed the House of Deputies, with some amendments.

The bishops’ Committee on Structure and Governance gave a report on the resolution before deliberation began. Bishop Clifton Daniel of Pennsylvania III, chair of the committee, told the House of Bishops that the committee had made further amendment to the resolution. It would allow the presiding bishop sole authority in hiring top executives for the Episcopal Church Center.

On Wednesday afternoon the bishops debated that change without reaching any agreement. On Thursday morning the bishops rejected the change.



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