The annual convention of the Diocese of Indianapolis has elected the Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows as the diocese’s 11th bishop. Baskerville-Burrows led by a wide margin on the first ballot, and she was elected on the second ballot. Baskerville-Burrows serves as director of networking for the Diocese of Chicago and serves as a spiritual director.
Other nominees were:
- The Rev. Grace Burton-Edwards, rector of St. Thomas Church, Columbus, Georgia
- The Rev. Canon Bruce W. Gray, canon to the ordinary in Indianapolis
- The Rev. Canon Lance Ousley, priest-in-charge of St. John’s Church, Kirkland, Washington, and headmaster of its school; and canon for stewardship and development in the Diocese of Olympia
- The Rev. Dina van Klaveren, rector of St. Andrew’s Church, Glenwood, Maryland
“In 19 years of ordained ministry, and especially in the past five helping to oversee and restructure the Diocese of Chicago, I’ve supported communities of transformation, communicated a vision of hope and gathered and networked God’s people across distance and difference,” Baskerville-Burrows said. “I believe these experiences have prepared me to lead and serve in the particular place that is the Diocese of Indianapolis.”
She is from New York, ordained by the Diocese of Central New York, and a graduate of Smith College, Cornell University, and the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. She has expertise in historic preservation and a passion for issues including gun violence prevention, justice, and racial and class reconciliation.
“The Episcopal Church is where I found my relationship with Jesus some 30 years ago, “she said. “It teaches me that the world is filled with incredible beauty and unspeakable pain and that God is deeply in the midst of it all loving us fiercely. So each day, nourished by the sacraments and stories of our faith, the beauty of our liturgical tradition, the wide embrace of this Christian community, I learn over and over again how to live without fear.”
Her consecration as a bishop is scheduled for April 29 at Butler University’s Clowes Memorial Hall.
The Rt. Rev. Catherine M. Waynick plans to retire next spring.