The Rev. Anthony Keller, deacon at St. George’s Church in La Canada, California, posts regular videos at That Deacon on YouTube.
In a video posted in mid-September, Deacon Keller profiles the ministry of Joyce Davison, a member of St. George’s who helps disabled children with therapy through a program called AHEAD with Horses. Davison, who has worked in the program for more than 30 years and is the organization’s president, says that she began this work despite her fear of horses.
“Two unique aspects of this therapy are the immediacy of response and visibility of its effectiveness across multiple domains (motor, communication, social, emotional, cognitive, self-help, vocational),” AHEAD says on its website. “Predicated on the philosophy that everyone can learn and achieve, the emphasis is on working with those others feel lack the ability to respond. Most have not responded to traditional forms of therapy and/or education, or are not eligible for other services.
“AHEAD stands for Accelerated Habilitation Education and Development. We receive much more than we give. Those we are privileged to work with teach us all that we know!”
Biretta tip: The Association of Episcopal Deacons