By Matthew Townsend
General Convention has adopted a $133.8 million budget for the Episcopal Church’s 2019-21 triennium. The House of Deputies approved the budget July 12, and the House of Bishops concurred without discussion the next day.
The budget, presented by the Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance, was summarized in Resolution A295. As A295 states, the budget allocates $74.7 million for mission and ministry; $18.8 million for governance, the president of the House of Deputies, and the archives; and $40.3 million for financial, legal, and operational support.
In terms of income, the budget asks for 15 percent contributions from dioceses, exempting the first $140,000 of their income, paid monthly. The rate will be based on a two-year trailing average, and the total anticipated income from diocesan contributions stands at $83.4 million. Another $50.5 million in income is anticipated from other sources, bringing total anticipated income to $133.9 million.