The July 26 edition of The Living Church is available online to registered subscribers. This edition features TLC’s comprehensive reporting and brief commentary on the 78th General Convention.
“After Salt Lake City,” TLC’s editorial about the Convention, begins:
We will never see, this side of Jordan, the whole of the Church gathered to worship our Lord. But it is a stirring sight that brings to mind that great day to come, to see representatives from Liberia to Louisiana and from Connecticut to Colombia all confessing one Lord, one faith, one baptism, sharing one bread and one cup. Other things happened in Salt Lake City, and they are what filled the headlines, but nothing that we did was as important as what Christ did each time we gathered at the altar.
The 78th General Convention
Things Have Changed | By Zachary Guiliano, Jordan Hylden, G. Jeffrey MacDonald, and Matthew Townsend
- Marriage
- Communion Partners Salt Lake City Statement
- A Statement of the Mind of the House of Bishops
- The New Presiding Bishop
- Reconciliation and Justice
- Liturgical Revision Restarts
- Restructure in Small Doses
- Mission
Marching through Zion | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Daily Eucharist | Photos by Asher Imtiaz
Called to Be Me | Photos by Asher Imtiaz • Text by G. Jeffrey MacDonald
Conversation, not Debate | By G. Jeffrey MacDonald
After Salt Lake City
Other Departments
Sunday’s Readings
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