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‘Contextual and Incarnational’

Rose Wu, who completed a doctor of ministry degree at Episcopal Divinity School in 2000, reflects for the school’s website on her participation in Hong Kong’s Occupy Central with Love and Peace movement:

I have signed the covenant of the Occupy Central movement stating that I will carry out acts of civil disobedience, give myself up to the authorities, and file no defense in any trial. I have offered talks on “Resistance and Spirituality” and the “Non-violence Principles of Civil Disobedience” at Tamar Park in Admiralty during the class boycott campaign. I have helped to design and organize several walking and sitting meditation activities in Mongkok and Admiralty for the protesters, and have joined a documentary team to interview individual protesters to tell their stories that will hopefully be transformed into a publication.

… To me, theology is contextual and incarnational. A living theology has to be rooted in communities and the lives of people here and now. Christians are called to step out like Jesus, who exposed himself and his work to the public and who stood against structures of injustice and exploitation.

… My activism is a form of social ministry that is willing to reach out to our neighbors, that is prophetic and experience-based. In order for the church to do the work of Jesus Christ, it must take itself outside of the institution itself. It is the responsibility of every church to diligently search out areas of human need and to do their best to fill that need.

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