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Considering a Saint

From the Diocese of Georgia:

The following resolution was unanimously passed by the 190th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia on February 12, 2011, meeting at the Rainwater Conference Center in Valdosta, Georgia. A nearly identical resolution is scheduled to come before the November 2014 diocesan convention.

WHEREAS, Deaconess Anna Ellison Butler Alexander is recognized as a saint of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia; and

WHEREAS, Deaconess Alexander has a feast day set aside in the calendar of the Diocese of Georgia; and

… THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED this 190th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia recommends and encourages a resolution be presented to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church in 2012 to recognize Deaconess Anna Ellison Butler Alexander as a Saint of The Episcopal Church through adding her to the calendar in Holy Women, Holy Men; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED this convention of the Diocese of Georgia affirms and endorses the creation of a feast day for Deaconess Anna Ellison Butler Alexander to bear witness to the role of women and African-Americans in the history of the Church and calls on the Diocese to assemble appropriate materials online to assist the General Convention in considering this resolution.

The diocese’s 193rd convention will meet on November 6-8.

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