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Church, Hilton Train for Jobs

Valerie Boey reports for WOLF/Fox 35 in Orlando:

There’s a new church-sponsored, pilot program that helps people learn some of the ins and outs about the hospitality business. The program has been taking place in Miami for the last seven years, but it’s just now being tested in Central Florida. The Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist and Hilton Hotels Worldwide have partnered together to teach others about working in hotels. This pilot program includes a three-day training seminar and job fair.

Carita Wilson heard about it through the shelter where she is staying.

“It’s been a dream, and hospitality was a dream of mine years ago, but I had twin sons that I was raising as a single mom,” she said. All of the people in the program were recommended through various agencies that assist those in need. Father Jabriel Ballentine said there’s a huge need to help people find jobs.

Read the rest. Watch the report.


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