The Rev. Andrea Baker — a U.S. Army Reserve chaplain and associate rector at Faith Episcopal Church in Cameron Park, California — writes at Building Faith, a weblog of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching, Virginia Theological Seminary:
On Sunday mornings, I preach or celebrate communion at the Protestant Worship Service. On Tuesday evenings, I lead a Women’s Fellowship that includes sharing, prayer, Bible study, and communion. Every 2-3 weeks, my chaplain assistant and I fly to another location to check in with medevac or air traffic control teams at one of the forward operating bases (FOBs).
Two days a week, my chaplain assistant and I take our turn at Operation Cool Down, when the brigade unit ministry team carries ice-cold treats to crews during the heat of the day. We ride up and down the flight line in a Gator four-wheeler, hauling a cooler of ice pops as the phone in my shoulder pocket plays the corny ice cream truck tune I downloaded from the internet. It makes the pilots and crew members smile and I smile too, especially when one of them runs after the Gator to get an ice pop.
What can you do to support us?
Pray. Pray for our safety; for focus in our mission; for our relationships with our Families and co-workers. Pray for our loved ones back home. Pray for the people and leaders of Afghanistan. Pray for peace.
Biretta tip: Diocese of Northern California
Image source: The U.S. Army’s website